Hello everyone. We regularly like to bring you the sleeping faces of our owls💗 It's as if they are smiling ✨ It makes me feel kind of happy when I look at it💗 The sleeping faces of the owls bring healing to everyone 💕 I wish you all a wonderful day ♡
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Hello everyone. As you may know if you have visited our shop, Spica spends most of her time in the café space, not in the owl room 🦉 Spica with customers at a tea party ☕ Spica has no owl friends and has forgotten that she is an owl... 😊
Hopefully Spica will have an owl friend this year😭 Hello everyone☆
It's the last Sunday of January in the blink of an eye. February is only 28 days away, so it will go by even faster. If you want to spend a fun time with the owls, don't forget to make a reservation! We will be closed on the 26th for cleaning of the shop and the air-conditioner. The air conditioners are working hard for the owls every day. They have to fight against 17 birds' worth of grease and pollen, so we will clean them well. We hope you will understand and cooperate with us! Pollen will be worse in March, so we want everyone to spend their time in comfort. If you are planning to visit us, please note that we are closed on Wednesday 26th. Hello everyone☆ Morning cleaning time is free time for the owls! Some of them sleep in. some play with their toys and others check the cleaning of their caretakers. They are all enjoying themselves... Today's Kaboca can't stop loving Chai. She's almost ready to eat him up! Please take a look at the cute interaction between the two ♡ Kabocha『I didn't eat it, okay?』
Hello everyone. Last year, Uta was actively appealing to Haku and Muta, I saw a shocking scene the other day...! UTA attached perfectly to Schola! And she put one foot on Schola's broccoli (perch)... How aggressive ✨! If you look closely, you can see that she is holding onto Schola's sleeve... Mocking... What handsome couples will be born this year?
Hello everyone☆
I'm surprised that half a month has passed in the blink of an eye in January. How are you all doing? Thanks to the warm support of so many people, the owls are spending every day of the year in a carefree manner. It's almost too much (lol). Thank you all so much for your support. And here's a love from all of you♡ We have just finished counting your donations for food from July to December 2024. The love from so many people at home and abroad was ¥201.807 in the shop in six months. Online we received ¥43.700 in support! In total, we received 245.507 yen of love! With your support we will buy them delicious food! We have also received foreign banknotes and coins, but they have not yet been exchanged, so they are not included in this count... We started this project by strong demand from customers who live too far away to visit us. We are very grateful for your support... We are very grateful every time... We use it very carefully. We hope to repay you all by bringing you the sight of healthy owls... We hope to repay you little by little. We hope that in 2025, we will be able to spend many wonderful times with you all with smiles on our faces☆. We look forward to your continued support for Owlvillage and our owls! Hello everyone. Speaking of our most popular guy, Bob... Don't forget Muta, our hidden popular guy😍 Muta is being courted by a beautiful girl named Uta since the beginning of the year💗 Muta looks like she's about to say “Uta is my girl”... Uta is also cuddling up to Muta in a cute way. 💗💗 Uta: “Muta is small but strong, manly and cool. Latte, who was next to Muta for most of last year.
She looks a little sad... Hello everyone. The New Year vacations are over and our store has entered the relaxing season✨ Where is the rush of the New Year holidays... I will finally be able to spend a New Year's holiday-like day too 🦉 Schola “Where have all the people gone...” If you want to spend a relaxing time with the owls, this is the season for you✨ Kabocha: “You'll have my next door neighbor all to yourself too ‼
We look forward to your reservations 💕 Hello everyone☆ At the beginning of the lovely year 2025 Chai-chan loves taking a bath! Usually, Chai-chan is able to get in the bath properly. But on this day, she was in such a hurry to get in that she was completely flailing her hips outside the bath. So cute! We look forward to working with this mischievous Chai again this year! Hello everyone☆ How is your New Year's Day 2025? It's the fourth day of the year. I wonder if many of you will finish your New Year's holidays today and tomorrow? If you are tired of Osekichi, please come and visit us at the beginning of the year! And the final popular vote of 2024 has just been counted! Who came in first at the end of the year? Let's start with third place! Ohagi『Hi ♡♡』 From the small owls, the cute Ohagi ranks in third place. She continues to be popular since last month's first place. In second place? Spica, the Totoro of the village In December, Spica was fed on everyone's lap. Thanks to that, she became a little chubby⁉ I think 2025 will be the year of the dieter. And the final winner? Haku's idol, Canon.
She beat Alto to first place☆. Everyone was surprised at the gap between her cute smile during the massage and the way she tsunted at Haku, but... That's part of what makes her so cute. Who will be the most popular in 2025? We're waiting for your clean votes for the ministry. |